I have been using Attendance for years and have told a lot of colleagues about it. It made my record keeping much easier, and the photo option helped me learn my students names very quickly each semester.
When I realized the new iOS would not support my old version I bought Attendance2, and although the interface is a little different, I already appreciate the new features. Now I can record how much a student has participated in a particular class, I can easily see the "red students" who have been missing classes, and I can indicate if a student left early.
As I was migrating the information from the first weeks of class into this new app, I was having trouble with the reports. I emailed Dave and, this is no lie, he got back to me within five minutes with the solution -- since the semester had already started, I needed to change the date range the reports were covering. Since he is a professor teaching a full load, I would not expect that amazing response time every day, but it happened today.
This app will make your life easier, taking attendance will be unobtrusive, and your students will think you are on the cutting edge of technology.
StrickerStreet about Attendance2